Pressure Washing & Soft Washing

We offer the best pressure washing and soft washing services available in the area, and that's partly due to our ability to determine which methods to use in accordance with the unique needs of your property.
Depending on the materials that construct your residential or commercial property, different methods, equipment, and cleaning solutions need to be used to care for them properly. Our experienced professionals here at S&S Cleaning are well versed in the needs of particular elements of properties and are fully able to tend to each in the way that it needs to be cared for. Trust our reliable service to take the time and effort to employ each practice when it needs to be conducted.
Pressure Washing
Our pressure washing services utilize high-pressure water streams with top-of-the-line equipment and strong cleaning solutions with effective chemicals to remove set-in-stains, accumulated extraneous matter, paint, graffiti, and noticeable water and sun damage from your commercial or residential property. The services that we offer that employ pressure washing itself are our general pressure washing, house washing, commercial pressure washing, deck washing, sidewalk washing, and driveway cleaning services respectively. Depending on your individual needs as our valued customer, these tactics can always be altered, and you can trust our experienced professionals to choose wisely and tailor our methods to the unique needs of your property.
Soft Washing
Our soft washing services employ low-pressure water streams from high-end equipment and gentle cleaning solutions that won't harm the structural integrity of the more fragile materials that construct your property. We typically use soft washing for many of our services, usually including our roof treatments, window cleaning, storefront washing, gutter cleaning, and paver & concrete cleaning services. Of course, these methods can be used to cater to other more fragile elements of your property, and very often are.
Because we're able to determine what your property needs in particular, we're able to employ either our soft washing or pressure washing services in order to effectively, thoroughly, and safely clean every aspect of your home or business. Choosing the wrong method can lead to costly damages, which is one of the main reasons why it's so vitally important to trust all of your pressure washing needs to our experienced professionals here at S&S Cleaning. Call us today at 845-405-6768 to schedule your recommended semi-annual routine maintenance appointments for our customer-centered, safe, and thorough pressure washing and soft washing services today!
Get the Job Done Right!
If You're in the Tri-State Area, get a Free Estimate from your Local Beacon Pressure Washer Today!